Friday, June 22, 2012

Go Green Tips What are some Go Green tips.?

Question by : What are some Go Green tips.?

Best answer:

Answer by lizbiz
Here are some easy to do, everyday tips: 1) Paper or Plastic? The best choice is NEITHER! Always, if you can, bring several reusable bags. They only cost 99 cents each and are usually free at fairs. However, if don’t have any, or you forgot them, I would choose plastic. Although, plastic isn’t biodegradable, it takes much less CO2 than paper bags do. 2) If you don’t need the light, why turn it on? Always turn off electrical lights and the sort off after use. Also, using a eco-friendly bulb will lower your electrical bills and help the environment. 3) Unplug anything that is not in use (i.e. cell phone chargers {w/o the phone}, laptop chargers, etc) They USE UP ENERGY! Though no device is using it, it still has electrical currents running through it. 4) Try to find out info on the web w/o using paper (i.e. newspapers, school newsletters, etc) 5) Don’t use plastic water bottles. They are not good for you or the environment. All you need is one good stainless steel reusable and your good to go. Plastic water bottles leech toxins into your water that can cause cancer and other life-changing things. Even if you have your case of water bottles in your garage,cooled and everything, they(the bottles) were still sitting in warehouses in 100 degree weather. That could kill you. So this is all I have for now! GO GREEN!!

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Tags:Green, some, Tips


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