Saturday, June 30, 2012

Green Living Room Decorating Ideas Q&A: Living room decorating ideas (Colors)?

Question by Jdt548: Living room decorating ideas (Colors)?
I am not very good when it comes to decorating. I want to paint my living room and am not to sure of what colors to use. Right now I have medium brown microfiber furniture, the pillows, a picture and curtains have blue/green accents. Would it be too much brown if I paint the walls brown? I also like greys but think that may be too different from what the colors are right now.

Best answer:

Answer by porker70
Warm Vanilla would be a nice shade = warm without being overpowering.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:colors, Decorating, Green, ideas, Living, Room

Green Living Books Living Green Book Suggestions?

green living books
by CoDiFi

Question by Mystical Hologram: Living Green Book Suggestions?
If you have any good suggestion that would be sweet!
more specifically what I can do in everyday life to live more green, house improvements, shopping habits ect.
Great suggestions, but any suggestions on reading materials. I understand its a lifestyle and varies by experience, but i’m thinking of a “how to” type references

Best answer:

Answer by Kelly L
Living “green” is a concept based on practicality, locality and common sense. But mostly it is about sustainability which is a concept you may need to have advanced schooling to understand all abstract aspects.
Practicality is spending money to save money ,i.e. new gas filled windows or reusing something rather than throwing it out etc.
Locality is all about consumerism and not purchasing products from more than 500 miles away.
Lastly is common sense about little things like purchasing organic from 3000 miles or conventional grown next door (the answer is next door even though organic is highly praised in green living). Also this requires you to think about what you are doing in your everyday life,( this is where sustainability comes in) your commute, trash, housing needs etc.
You need the help of a sustainability consultant to be able to get all those detailed answers, oh I am one such being.
Also I forget to mention about chemical use (toxic consumerism), this is where you monitor and inform yourself about the chemicals in your life. This is everything from all the gases released from your carpet and paint to the type of household cleaners and personal care products used.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:book, Books, Green, Living, suggestions

Green EnergyThe False Promise of Green Energy

The False Promise of Green Energy

What green energy promises to provide is just so alluring-more jobs, a cleaner environment, a more stable economy, clean and bountiful electricity, fewer toxins and pollutants and, of course, the gratitude of generations to come. There’s just one pro

List Price: $ 24.95

Price: $ 12.45

All Day Energy Greens High Octane Energy for Health

  • Serving size: 1 scoop
  • Servings per container: 30
  • All Natural, No synthetics or chemical additives

All Day Energy Greens is a light, refreshing energy drink that’s heavy on health benefits. All Day Energy Greens’ 38 herbs, herbal extracts, and grass juices work with your body to provide the bio-absorbable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and disease-f

List Price: $ 25.99

Price: $ 25.99

Tags:energy, EnergyThe, false, Green, Promise

Green Living Magazine Where can I get Kerrang magazine and EQ magazine in the U.S.?

Question by Musicizlife: Where can I get Kerrang magazine and EQ magazine in the U.S.?
These two recent issues of Kerrang and EQ just came out and they both have Green Day on the cover and from what I’ve heard, they’re only available in England.

Is there anywhere I could possibly get these two magazines in the U.S.? I’ve tried every Borders and Barnes & Noble in a 50 mile radius from where I live… but none of them have it..

Please help! Thank you!!!

Best answer:

Answer by anjana j
Hey Magazine Cafe in New York City carries Kerrang and EQ can check their website

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Green, Kerrang, Living, Magazine, U.S.

Green Living Newsletter Do these quotes indicate where radical, unchecked environmentalist thought ultimately leads?

Question by Jose Bosingwa: Do these quotes indicate where radical, unchecked environmentalist thought ultimately leads?
The right to have children should be a marketable commodity, bought and traded by individuals but absolutely limited by the state. – Kenneth Boulding, originator of the “Spaceship Earth” concept (as quoted by William Tucker in Progress and Privilege, 1982)

We have wished, we ecofreaks, for a disaster or for a social change to come and bomb us into Stone Age, where we might live like Indians in our valley, with our localism, our appropriate technology, our gardens, our homemade religion — guilt-free at last! — Stewart Brand (writing in the Whole Earth Catalogue

Free Enterprise really means rich people get richer. They have the freedom to exploit and psychologically rape their fellow human beings in the process . . . Capitalism is destroying the earth. — Helen Caldicott, Union of Concerned Scientists

We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects . . . We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres of presently settled land. — David Foreman, Earth First!

Everything we have developed over the last 100 years should be destroyed. — Pentti Linkola

If you ask me, it’d be a little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy because of what we would do with it. We ought to be looking for energy sources that are adequate for our needs, but that won’t give us the excesses of concentrated energy with which we could do mischief to the earth or to each other. — Amory Lovins in The Mother Earth – Plowboy Interview, Nov/Dec 1977, p. 22

The only real good technology is no technology at all. Technology is taxation without representation, imposed by our elitist species (man) upon the rest of the natural world — John Shuttleworth

I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems. — John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs. — John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing….This is not to say that the rise of human civilization is insignificant, but there is no way of showing that it will be much help to the world in the long run. — Economist editorial

We advocate biodiversity for biodiversity's sake. It may take our extinction to set things straight — David Foreman, Earth First!

Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental. — Dave Forman, Founder of Earth First!

If radical environmentalists were to invent a disease to bring human populations back to sanity, it would probably be something like AIDS — Earth First! Newsletter

Human happiness, and certainly human fecundity, is not as important as a wild and healthy planets…Some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along. — David Graber, biologist, National Park Service

The collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans. — Dr. Reed F. Noss, The Wildlands Project

If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels. — Prince Phillip, World Wildlife Fund

Cannibalism is a “radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation.” — Lyall Watson, The Financial Times, 15 July 1995

We, in the green movement, aspire to a cultural model in which killing a forest will be considered more contemptible and more criminal than the sale of 6-year-old children to Asian brothels. — Carl Amery

Every time you turn on an electric light, you are making another brainless baby — Helen Caldicott, Union of Concerned Scientists

To feed a starving child is to exacerbate the world population problem — Lamont Cole

If there is going to be electricity, I would like it to be decentralized, small, solar-powered — Gar Smith — editor of the Earth Island Institute’s online magazine The Edge

The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States: We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the U.S. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are. And it is important to the rest of the world to make sure that they don’t suffer economically by virtue of our stopping them. — Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense Fund

Best answer:

Answer by Nata T
yes they do. Douglas Adams did a good job making a parody of the situation. In his book, the scientist built 3 ships as a way to get rid of all the dregs on society. They told those that were not scientist to take a ship to a new planet and establish a new planet because the one they were on was going to blow up. Needless to say, the home planet didn’t blow up, but the new plant became know as Earth.

A scientist run world would be devoid of emotion, this world was depicted in the series of movies called, THE MATRIX. So, take the RED pill and live free.

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:environmentalist, Green, indicate, Leads, Living, Newsletter, Quotes, Radical, these, thought, ultimately, unchecked

Friday, June 29, 2012

Eco Friendly Products Q&A: Where in Ireland can you buy energy saving and eco friendly products?

Question by : Where in Ireland can you buy energy saving and eco friendly products?
Online retailer was established in November 2009 and offer some very innovative and colourful energy saving and eco-friendly products. Sunjars are wonderful solar lights, with a trolley dolly you no longer need plastic bags when shopping and the showerdome completely eliminates steam from your bathroom. Its worth checking these and other products out on the site.

Best answer:

Answer by wisco_love

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:energy, friendly, Ireland, Products, Saving

Simple LivingSimple Ways to Be More with Less

Simple Ways to Be More with Less

If you have imagined a life with less, reading this book is a great way to get started. Most of us have lived our adult lives working more, to make more, to spend more, to have more. We haven't done it maliciously, but out of habit.


List Price: $ 7.99

Price: $ 7.99

Tags:less, LivingSimple, more, Simple, ways

Environmentally Friendly Products Q&A: Why are environmentally friendly products more expensive?

Question by thehabgroup: Why are environmentally friendly products more expensive?

Best answer:

Answer by Fred S
Because people are willing to pay more, duh!

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:Environmentally, expensive, friendly, more, Products

Green Living Articles Do you risk your health to living green?

Question by amalone: Do you risk your health to living green?

“Compact fluorescent lightbulbs contain a minuscule amount of mercury, and you can’t safely ignore potential contact with it”

They banned mercury from other uses and now re-introduce into lightbulbs? As much as I like its low power consumption, I don’t really want to use them at home especially with kids around.

Best answer:

Answer by krollohare2
Yes Mercury is safe once again since the CFB (mostly Chinese) industries have a foothold in our laws outlawing incandescent bulbs.

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:Articles, Green, Health, Living, Risk

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sustainable Design Sustainable design? Is an engineering or architecture degree better?

Question by Theo29283: Sustainable design? Is an engineering or architecture degree better?
I am currently in my first year of engineering and am thinking of majoring in civil engineering. If I want to do to sustainable design of commercial, residential, or industrial buildings (making their construction, energy consumption, and materials environmentally friendly) would it be better for me to complete my civil engineering degree and specialize in sustainable design/architecture? OR would it be better to transfer into architecture and get a degree in that and then a masters in architecture and sustainable design?

Best answer:

Answer by Chas Jones
I was under the impression Sustainable Engineering was a sub branch of Environmental Engineering… which itself is a sub branch of Civil Engineering. Don’t know for sure bro.. I’m going to school for Petroleum Engineering. It seems we are already arch-enemies! *Snickers*

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Architecture, better, degree, Design, Engineering, Sustainable

Green Living Solutions Does the green movement serve as a religion of sorts to some people?

Question by Isa: Does the green movement serve as a religion of sorts to some people?
I consider myself an environmentalist, and someone who cares quite a bit about the future and about sustainability, but I frequently find myself politically at odds with people who seem convinced, with almost a religious dogma, that the ideal way for things to be is the way they are found in nature (usually defined as environment untouched by humans).

For instance, I acknowledge and am concerned about carbon emissions and their eventual impact on global temperatures. But proposals to construct something akin to a global thermostat, or to develop ways to chemically remove carbon from the atmosphere are met as blasphemy – apparently, the canon response is to flee back to the days before the Industrial Revolution, focusing on emitting carbon less instead of taking control of its consequences. Like religion, when you bring up the problem, there seems to be more of a focus on repentance than solutions; talking about actually SOLVING the problem tends to flare tempers.

Another example is the entire ‘organics’ movement, which is a movement that more or less flatly states that technology is evil when it comes to agriculture. We live in an age where the limits of arable land, clean water and crop disease are quickly being surmounted by the development of crops that are able to grow in more varied climates and fend off pests with less reliance on sprayed pesticides. But they’re regarded as evil – opponents are certain that they’ll give you cancer, or something, and the fact that they may spread their seeds into other crops is regarded as self-explanatorily scary – as if we’re all supposed to be outraged that the “natural” crop will be more difficult to isolate as time goes on.

Ultimately, the mentality among some ‘green movement’ types (which I distinguish from ‘environmentalists,’ which would be people who actually care about a sustainable environment as opposed to some kind of preservation of nature) is very similar to many religious dogmas: change and technology bad, “the old days” good; humans bad, nature good. Do you think some people use the green movement as sort of a surrogate religion?

Best answer:

Answer by \/\/3b |
I’d say yes, although nearly any ideal can serve to be a religion if its followers become zealots.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Green, Living, movement, people, religion, serve, Solutions, some, sorts

Green Living HomesGreen Living Compost Thermometer

Green Living Compost Thermometer

6576 Features: -Compost thermometer.-24” Stem with piercing tip reaches the center of the compost to find out the true temperature.-Temperature range from 50 to 190 degree fahrenheit with 1 degree resolution.-Accurate, easy to use, easy to clean, a

List Price: $ 17.10

Price: $ 17.10

Tags:compost, Green, HomesGreen, Living, Thermometer

Green Construction What can I do with all this green construction paper?

Question by wootsauce: What can I do with all this green construction paper?
A local craft store went out of business recently and they had a big blowout with a point-system and prizes and all that jazz. Construction paper was worth a lot of points so my friend and I bought a lot of it. A lot. We ended up with mostly a medium to light green color.

Like the darkseagreen(SVG) on this link:

What can we do with it? Craft ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by Slappy
Make lots of leaves by tracing your hand prints.

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:Construction, Green, paper, this

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Green Apartment Living Help the environment...Going Green in an apartment?

green apartment living
by timoni

Question by Seven Signs: Help the environment…Going Green in an apartment?
I am asking for tips on living a “greener” lifestyle in an apartment. Any ideas to help the environment?

Best answer:

Answer by speckofdust7billion
turn off your heat and AC

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Apartment, environment...Going, Green, Help, Living

Tips For Green Living Q&A: What are some tips for living a "green life" that begin with the letter K, L, M, O, P, Q,T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Question by kir246: What are some tips for living a “green life” that begin with the letter K, L, M, O, P, Q,T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
I’m making a presentation on the abc’s of green living and I need some help.

Best answer:

Answer by lee76
Make ur own cleaning products
Walk instead of driving
Use recycled products

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:begin, Green, letter, Life|, Living, some, Tips

Green Living Consultant Proving income for wife's green card OR what can I count as income? (student loans)?

Question by Alex W: Proving income for wife’s green card OR what can I count as income? (student loans)?
My background: Japanese father, American mother, born/raised in the USA, lived there until 18, have a us pasport/social security/etc. I left the country in 2003 to pursue my undergraduate degree in Japan. I am now 23 and have been married for almost a year, and have a 4 month old daughter (my wife is a Japanese national). Both of us speak fluent English, and my Japanese is passable.

I am graduating from my undergraduate degree in June, and have been accepted to Master’s programs in the states (only U of Michigan so far, waiting to hear back from harvard/yale/princeton/MIT) to study architecture.

I have been pre-approved to receive assistance from the Japanese government in the form of a 150,000yen/month (approx 1500$ USD) loan, which accrues no interest, and does not have to be paid back until 6 months after whenever I graduate (3.5 year degree), and it only has a 2% interest rate!

My other income has been from teaching English (20 hours a week) and earning approximately 1-1.2k USD$ a month, depending on exchange rates. I only started doing this in April of ’08, so my income in 2008 was pretty low (maybe 8-9k, not enough to have to file taxes, I think?).

Now I am in the process of trying to get a visa for my wife to live in the states while I load up on debt and get a degree which will (hopefully) allow me to support my small family (my undergrad was in “liberal arts” and I have no interest in becoming an investment banker/consultant).

I understand the rules regarding poverty level/etc, but I’m worried about whether this monthly loan from the Japanese government will be acceptable as “income” to help me prove I can support my wife and child. I will also, presumably, be getting limited support from whatever university I end up going to, in addition to the normal FAFSA loans.

From my understanding, I need to prove an income of around 23k USD, or that, minus my income, times 3 (since we are married).

Is that the case? Meaning 23000 – (1500 x 12) = 5000 x 3 = 15,000? As in I need 15,000 in assets to make up for my lack in income? Do I even need that if I can use my income from teaching as proof? I don’t think I could because it would not be possible for me to keep doing that job if I live in the states…

I’m pretty sure this question is fairly convoluted, so if you need me to clear anything up I would be more than happy to…

Right? That’s what I’m also wondering… She doesn’t need to work right now (although the option to would be nice).

Best answer:

Answer by Jeff B
As long as you can establish taht you are going to receive that income every month there is no reason it would not be included in your application as legitimate income. I am not sure though if you need to apply for a green card, I’m thinking there might be some other visa you want…it seems like it’s harder because if you weren’t a US citizen you’d be a shoo in for a F-1 visa and she could come with you on that no problem…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Card, Consultant, Count, Green, income., Living, loans, Proving, student, wife's

What Is Green Living Q&A: How is the good way to motivate other people to keep on green living, and tell them why it is crucial?

Question by Jh0n: How is the good way to motivate other people to keep on green living, and tell them why it is crucial?
That’s just what I wanna ask, please share with me, what your idea(s) is, thanks..

Best answer:

Answer by Allison
Its not really that important, besides going green is expensive and i cant afford it right now.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Crucial, Good, Green, keep, Living, motivate, people, tell, them

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Green Living Furniture I have a dilemma. I am painting and it's time for the living room.What will go well with sage green furniture?

Question by jojo: I have a dilemma. I am painting and it’s time for the living room.What will go well with sage green furniture?
Hello, well its time to paint the living room and iam lost I have no idea what color to paint it?? I have gone to home depot twice and can’t get a color……. so i will really appreciate your help..
Ok my furniture is sage green…. the wood components are cherry woods and the carpet is brown (neutral ,mocha kind of) I dont have any windows in the living room so not much lighting. So what do you think i should go with?? Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Teri
Try a gold color – great with green and cherry wood! Not too bright – you don’t want it to look like sunshine. You could also do a terra cotta color, if it will work with your particular wood tone.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:*It's, dilemma., Furniture, Green, Living, painting, room.What, sage, time, well

Green Living AzTucson, AZ: The Greenest House in the Country

Tucson, AZ: The Greenest House in the Country

List Price: $ 1.99

Price: $ 1.99

Tags:AzTucson, Country, Green, Greenest, house, Living

Going Green FactsGoing Green (A Veggie Wrap)

Going Green (A Veggie Wrap)

List Price: $ 0.99

Price: $ 0.99

Canon VIXIA HFS100 HD Flash Memory Camcorder w/10x Optical Zoom – 2009 MODEL

  • Record crisp HD video directly to a removable SDHC memory card
  • Genuine Canon 10x HD video lens; SuperRange Optical Image Stabilizer
  • 1920 x 1080 Full HD recording; 24p Cinema Mode, 30p Progressive Mode
  • Built-in 8.0-megapixel digital camera delivers stunning quality photos
  • HDMI terminal for easy, one-cable connectivity to your HDTV

Canon’s top-of-the-line, new VIXIA HF S100 Flash Memory
camcorder gives you everything you expect from Canon. It has a
powerful, new 8.59-megapixel Full HD CMOS Image sensor plus
Canon’s latest DIGIC DV III Image Processor. Add a Genuine Canon
10x HD

List Price: $ 1,099.00

Price: $ 1,349.00

Tags:FactsGoing, Going, Green, Veggie, wrap

Going Green Ideas help me with speech ideas.. things we can do to save money while going green?

Question by Lucky: help me with speech ideas.. things we can do to save money while going green?
i have to write a persuasive speech and i want to persuade people to save money and go green. looking for ideas and suggestions.
a lot of great ideas!!!

Best answer:

Answer by sheeptalk
strongest point you can make is that you automatically save money when going green.
compost- you don’t have to pay for your rubbish
electric cars- you don’t have to pay for gasoline (bicycles even better)

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:Going, Green, Help, ideas, money, save, speech, things

Sustainable Home DesignDIY Projects for the Self-Sufficient Homeowner: 25 Ways to Build a Self-Reliant Lifestyle

DIY Projects for the Self-Sufficient Homeowner: 25 Ways to Build a Self-Reliant Lifestyle

Build your way to a more self-sufficient lifestyle with step-by-step projects for backup and supplementary utilities–including independent water, heat, and electricity–growing and storing food, raising small livestock, beekeeping, and more. Many of

List Price: $ 19.99

Price: $ 19.99

Tags:build, DesignDIY, home, Homeowner, lifestyle., Projects, SelfReliant, SelfSufficient, Sustainable, ways

Green Living Q&A: What will be the best title for a seminar on Green Living?

Question by : What will be the best title for a seminar on Green Living?
We are going to arrange a seminar on green living with Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Architecture and Forestry. I do not like the title “Green Living”. Can you suggest one? One friend told me “Green Living for Sustainable Development. Need some more suggestion. Please help.

Best answer:

Answer by I Must Break You
Green Living for Sustainable Development

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:best, Green, Living, seminar, title

Monday, June 25, 2012

Green TechnologyNZXT Technologies RF-FZ120-G1 NZXT FZ-120mm LED Cooling Case Fan - Green

NZXT Technologies RF-FZ120-G1 NZXT FZ-120mm LED Cooling Case Fan – Green

  • Dimensions 120 x 120 x 25 mm / Voltage 12V DC / Current 0.21A (rate), 0.30A (safety) / Input Power 2.52W (rate), 3.60W (safety) / Speed 1200+/-200 RPM /Air Flow 59.1 CFM
  • Air Pressure 0.71 mmH?O / NOISE 26.8 dBA / Bearing Long Life Bearing / Life 40,000 Hours
  • 59.1 ~ 65 CFM (120MM) and 83.6 CFM (140mm) for extreme airflow / 13 fan Blades provide quiet operation of 26.8 dBA (120mm) and 24.54 dBA (140mm)
  • Long-life bearing provides better reliability and extends life span surpassing 2 year warranty
  • Optimized for extreme airflow 120mm fan with minimal speeds of 1200+/- 20% RPM
  • Available in 5 LED vibrant colors: white, blue, orange, green, and red.
  • Low noise level of 26.8 dBA with exceptional airflow at 59.1 CFM

NZXT proudly introduces its newest series of airflow fans, the FZ-120mm LED fan. The FZ-120mm LED fan is a perfect match for any type of chassis. There are 5 available colors to choose from: white, blue, orange, green, and red. It is ideal for achiev

List Price: $ 14.99

Price: $ 14.99

Tags:Case, Cooling, FZ120mm, Green, NZXT, RFFZ120G1, Technologies, TechnologyNZXT

Sustainable Home Design Romney launched sustainable businesses like Staples & Home Depot..Have ANY of Obama's Green Energy businesses?

Question by Smart Guy: Romney launched sustainable businesses like Staples & Home Depot..Have ANY of Obama’s Green Energy businesses?
Romney helped launch successful businesses like Staples & Home Depot which has created sustainable jobs. Has Obama—-used taxpayer funds—-helped even ONE successful sustainable green energy businesses???

Is there one that actually has succeeded and hasn’t been forced to file for bankruptcy?

Or were Obama’s green energy investments all just phoney temporary holding companies designed to use federal tax dollars pad the wallets of loyal Democrat fat cat donors as well as make donations to Obama Re-election campaign?

Does Obama Campaign’s inability to understand how Bain Capital’s launching of profitable businesses like Staples & Home Depot demonstrate their economic incompetence?

Is this exactly what the 2012 campaign is about?

Best answer:

Answer by ingsoc1
Yea and he saved GM too

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Businesses, Depot..Have, Design, energy, Green, home, launched, like, Obama's, Romney, Staples, Sustainable

Green Architecture Where do I go to study Green Architecture?

Question by Lily: Where do I go to study Green Architecture?
I’d like to know what are some good schools that specialize in that area? And What should my major be if I want to specialize in that? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Kevin Meyer

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:Architecture, Green, Study

Green Living Ideas Do you think an interior design business that incorporates green living is a good business idea?

Question by ***-Holly-***: Do you think an interior design business that incorporates green living is a good business idea?
Any ideas? I wanted to install solar panels, but I need to be certified which I am not.

Best answer:

Answer by Jesse

I think that green living is an important concept for any interior design business, not only in the home but in the office as well. I have several friends who work in conjunction with giving offices tips on how to become more “green.” Therefore, if you went in this direction as a career, you might be able to expand your focus beyond just home designing.

For example, green offices can use recycled or refurbished office furniture in addition to making changes in accessories (such as light bulbs) to products (such as printers).

I know that a company called SPACE focuses their interior design ideas on a lot of green concepts. You might check out their blog for some ideas:

Hope that helps. Good luck,

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Business, Design, Good, Green, idea, ideas, incorporates, interior, Living, think

Green Living ConsultantPantone: The Twentieth Century in Color

Pantone: The Twentieth Century in Color

Pantone, the worldwide color authority, invites you on a rich visual tour of 100 transformative years. From the Pale Gold (15-0927 TPX) and Almost Mauve (12-2103 TPX) of the 1900 Universal Exposition in Paris to the Rust (18-1248 TPX) and Midnight Na

List Price: $ 40.00

Price: $ 22.88

Tags:Century, color, ConsultantPantone, Green, Living, Twentieth

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Alternative Energy Q&A: What are the potential alternative energy solution that we can use to replace gasoline in the long run?

Question by Ksee: What are the potential alternative energy solution that we can use to replace gasoline in the long run?
This may sound ridiculous at this moment but we may need to face it sometime in the future , so what kind of alternative energy sources that we can tap into before we run out of gasoline? Do you think the oil companies or some other major corporations should really invest in such energy development since this is essential for the survival of our civilization.

Best answer:

Answer by Sky
Gerbil power works good.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Alternative, energy, gasoline, long, Potential, replace, solution

Living Green Is living green only for Kermit the Frog?

Question by Bald is beautiful: Is living green only for Kermit the Frog?
With global warming being such a huge concern in the news these days, are you actually living more “green” now? If so, what steps have you taken to become more environmentally conscious?

Best answer:

Answer by kcguy6935
The main thing is reduce unnecessary waste, I use motion sensors on my cfl and led lighting so my family doesn’t waste energy, power strips to stop phantom loads. Make sure the house is well insulated, when shopping I look for less packaging and use cloth bags. I recycle and compost but I have to say I am most proud of the rain barrels for landscape and gardening and flushing my toilet. (WATER shortages and overflowing storm drains that cause havoc. SIMPLE stop using drinking water to flush with).

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Frog, Green, Kermit, Living, ONLY

Green Modular Homes Any ideas on advertising?

Question by ChellieBelle: Any ideas on advertising?
I work for a small business in Dudley, Ma, and we’re trying to advertise to get more work. So far, I’ve created a facebook page, gotten an ad on Facebook, craigslist, and Google, and I’m trying to think of more ways that will be effective. I know most people dont use the yellow pages anymore, because 411 is more convenient, so getting an ad in there wouldn’t get as much notice as wanted. But if anyone could give me any ideas on cheaper ways to get this business out there, it would be much appreciated.

The business is called Green Meadows Modular Homes, and its a family owned business that in addition to supplying the house, can do the site work: foundation, water and sewer or well and septic, as well as set and button-up the home.

Best answer:

Answer by Jake
Get involved in some housing charity (after checking on potential tax benefits) a well written press release distributed through a paid online service like can get you mentioned in the TV new or newspapers.

I checked and see your have not claimed and optimized your Google Places page, this can be as valuable as the yellow pages for the internet generation, most useful for local retailers and services, you might occasionally get someone in town seeking something related, adding a bunch of text and pictures may help it show up for more search terms, getting some more reviews will get stars in the search results.

Try Googling: modular homes, Dudley, Ma
Click the “1 Google Review” under the entry with the stick pin.
Then “Business owner?” in the upper-right

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Advertising, Green, Homes, ideas, Modular

Green Tip Q&A: Green bubble tip anemone looks sick what should i do?

Question by : Green bubble tip anemone looks sick what should i do?
My Green bubble tip anemone looks sick and it is also not hosting my clown fish, does anyone have any advise on what i should do?

Best answer:

Answer by Sergey Smbatyan
Take a look at this link. There is a lot of information bout keeping them. Maybe you are doing something wrong:

Good luck.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:anemone, Bubble, Green, looks, should, sick

Go Green Tips Q&A: want to go green any tips?

Question by Szymon K: want to go green any tips?
My utility bill is pretty high and i want to lower it by making my home green any tips.

Best answer:

Answer by mikey
turn tv and lights off before you go out in the morning and when you go to bed at night.
In the winter, close all windows.
Don’t let hot water tap running.
Don’t use the washing machine for just the one pair of socks. (they’ll float anyway and won’t even wash).
Don’t use the dryer for that pair of socks.
There’ll be more but I don’t really know your habits.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Green, Tips, want

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Green Energy Is green energy really a viable alternative to what we have now?

Question by Okla State Alum (Nacho Victory!): Is green energy really a viable alternative to what we have now?
Wouldn’t it be better to reform what we currently have than to spend the money to try and transition from gas and oil to other alternatives?

To me, green energy seems like pie in the sky. It’s a nice idea in theory, but I don’t think we could ever efficiently put it into practice.

Best answer:

Answer by Proud Texan

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Alternative, energy, Green, really, viable

Eco FriendlyAlex Eco Craft

Alex Eco Craft

  • Create 20 crafts
  • Create puppets, animals and jewelry
  • Recycled stickers, papers and pencils
  • Made of recycled paperboard and soy inks
  • Imagine and create!

Create 20 easy Earth-friendly crafts with recycled stickers, papers and pencils! Just layer and stick to make animals, puppets and jewelry. Includes 428 stickers and shapes, 6 recycled colored pencils, craft sticks, wooden spoons, fork and spatula, w

List Price: $ 21.99

Price: $ 13.33

Tags:Craft, FriendlyAlex

Green Walls Living Walls Q&A: Can Artificial Moss Sheets Be Hung on Decorative Green Walls?

Question by : Can Artificial Moss Sheets Be Hung on Decorative Green Walls?
I have seen a number of green walls that are made from living plants, but I am wondering if a faux green wall can be made from artificial moss sheets.

Best answer:

Answer by saaanen
Your money, your house, your taste.

Why not, if that’s the look YOU want?

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:artificial, Decorative, Green, hung, Living, Moss, sheets, Walls

Green Living Az Does Phoenix, Az have any green, diy, Sustainability, community gardening, humanitarian Groups?

Question by Sara [sair-rÉ™]: Does Phoenix, Az have any green, diy, Sustainability, community gardening, humanitarian Groups?
I’m a young man and now getting involved in the whole group culture thing were people help others and live within their means. ya know carbon neutral, peace-love, open-minded inclusive, fair, Humanitarian, diy, grow your own food etc. Does Phoenix AZ contain any of that sort of Movement?

P.S yes I know Phoenix is polluted and yes I know #Occupy is big there.

Best answer:

Answer by ‡Kali‡!

I live nowhere around Phoenix, but I found those online.
Wish you luck, you’re definitely on the right track…but you already know that. ^_^

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:community, Gardening, Green, Groups, humanitarian, Living, Phoenix, Sustainability

Green Technology What are some good green technology jobs that a person can pursue now?

Question by Mr. Main Event: What are some good green technology jobs that a person can pursue now?
What are the hottest college majors nowadays that are linked to green technology?

Best answer:

Answer by ukgtbp l is your gateway to the best
sites on the Internet for technology!
Looking for Computers, Domain Names, or
Education? Browse our recommended
resources or just try the search.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Good, Green, jobs, person, Pursue, some, Technology

Green Jobs Q&A: Why is obama only going to help green jobs in his new stimulus plan?

Question by TOOTAl2: Why is obama only going to help green jobs in his new stimulus plan?
Most jobs are not green. My job is far from green. Also dont know why he want the money to go to airport runways and roads. Since our taxes already pay for those. I think he should use that 50 billion to gives us all a 1000,00:)

Best answer:

Answer by Big Mam
because he is a liberal.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Going, Green, Help, jobs, Obama, ONLY, Plan, stimulus

Friday, June 22, 2012

Green Home Design designing a 'green' home?

Question by : designing a ‘green’ home?
for a project i want to design an eco friendly home i want to make an architectural plan and a virtual design of the interior and exterior.
what softwares can i use on mac for that i have google Sketchup but i don’t really know how to design the interior of a house using that the software must not be too expensive and one that i can buy online and use immediately

Best answer:

Answer by Neon D

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Design, designing, Green, home

Green Homes Q&A: Why are the shades in older homes green?

Question by Sheila C: Why are the shades in older homes green?
I just bought an older home and the original shades in the house are this dark green. Why was it common, back in the day, to have dark green shades?

Best answer:

Answer by John 16
You mean the shades as in you pull them down at night time or the ones on the outside of the house (shutters) ?

Or do you mean light shades?

I don’t really recall. I remember a lot of white houses with green or black shutters. The nite time shades I remember have all been those crappy white ones.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Green, Homes, older, Shades

Green Living Room Decorating IdeasChildren's Wall Decals - Cute Baby Green, Yellow Cartoon Fish - 12 inch Removable Graphic

Children’s Wall Decals – Cute Baby Green, Yellow Cartoon Fish – 12 inch Removable Graphic

  • Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls
  • Re-Usable up to 100 times
  • Lightweight and easy take with you when you move
  • Affordable prices available in all sizes
  • Durable Photo-Tex Material beats vinyl any day

These Cute Baby Green and Yellow Cartoon Fish Removable Wall Decals are not your standard vinyl wall stickers. Wallmonkeys uses premium Photo-Tex to produce decorative wall decals for the home, office space, or business. While Wallmonkeys has a wide

List Price: $ 7.99

Price: $ 7.99

Children’s Wall Decals – Cute Baby Green Cartoon Dragon – 36 inch Removable Graphic

  • Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls
  • Re-Usable up to 100 times
  • Lightweight and easy take with you when you move
  • Affordable prices available in all sizes
  • Durable Photo-Tex Material beats vinyl any day

These Cute Baby Green Cartoon Dragon Removable Wall Decals are not your standard vinyl wall stickers. Wallmonkeys uses premium Photo-Tex to produce decorative wall decals for the home, office space, or business. While Wallmonkeys has a wide selection

List Price: $ 49.99

Price: $ 49.99

Tags:Baby, cartoon, cute, Decals, Decorating, Fish, Graphic, Green, IdeasChildren's, Inch, Living, Removable, Room, wall, Yellow

Go Green Tips What are some Go Green tips.?

Question by : What are some Go Green tips.?

Best answer:

Answer by lizbiz
Here are some easy to do, everyday tips: 1) Paper or Plastic? The best choice is NEITHER! Always, if you can, bring several reusable bags. They only cost 99 cents each and are usually free at fairs. However, if don’t have any, or you forgot them, I would choose plastic. Although, plastic isn’t biodegradable, it takes much less CO2 than paper bags do. 2) If you don’t need the light, why turn it on? Always turn off electrical lights and the sort off after use. Also, using a eco-friendly bulb will lower your electrical bills and help the environment. 3) Unplug anything that is not in use (i.e. cell phone chargers {w/o the phone}, laptop chargers, etc) They USE UP ENERGY! Though no device is using it, it still has electrical currents running through it. 4) Try to find out info on the web w/o using paper (i.e. newspapers, school newsletters, etc) 5) Don’t use plastic water bottles. They are not good for you or the environment. All you need is one good stainless steel reusable and your good to go. Plastic water bottles leech toxins into your water that can cause cancer and other life-changing things. Even if you have your case of water bottles in your garage,cooled and everything, they(the bottles) were still sitting in warehouses in 100 degree weather. That could kill you. So this is all I have for now! GO GREEN!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Green, some, Tips

Alternative Energy Q&A: What is the name of this alternative source of energy called?

Question by Simon Legree: What is the name of this alternative source of energy called?
I recall hearing of some source of alternative energy that was based on the motion of the waves. Basically, the waves provided the energy(no giant turbines) and these things functioned like wind mills of the sea. Everything else was blah blah. The inventor of this ingenious device was some high school or college student, I think.
Whatever it is, just tell me the name of the inventor, the name of the thing he/she made, and how it works. I may have placed this question in the wrong place because there really isn’t enough about alternative energy to devote a link to. Remember, inventor, invention and how it works.

Best answer:

Answer by Betty Boop
wind. fire. rain. poop

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:Alternative, called, energy, name, source, this

Green Living IdeasGo green!

Go green!

Millions of us want to do our bit to help the environment, and there's tons of advice out there to help us; a never-ending avalanche of books, magazines, websites and TV programmes. But who's got the time to wade through this lot to sift the stuf

List Price: $ 1.99

Price: $ 1.99

PotLifter 200-Pound Gardening Heavy Lifting Tool

  • Saves your back by sharing the load
  • Lifts objects up to 200 lbs and 30 inches in diameter
  • Picks up flowerpots rocks heavy bags and more
  • Weighs only 1.4 lbs
  • Stores in handy drawstring bag

You’ll find a lot of uses for the PotLifter. Two people can easily lift large, heavy pots, tree root balls, rocks or heavy mulch-filled bags using this surprisingly simple tool. Just buckle the ends around the object to be lifted. Carries up to a 7′

List Price: $ 29.95

Price: $ 21.95

Tags:Green, IdeasGo, Living

Green Living Solutions Q&A: What can the United States do about a looming Energy Crisis?

Question by Ben M: What can the United States do about a looming Energy Crisis?
Provide as many solutions as you can think of to address this national (or global) issue. I’d like it if you give solutions in the political position, the media position, and, of course, the environmental (green living) position, if possible. CITE the sources for each solution, please.

Best answer:

Answer by Joshua R
Thomas Freidman is a good source. Maintaining tax incentives for alternative energy sources is a good idea.

Accept various state proposals to reduce carbon emissions. California has some of the strictest.

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:about, Crisis, energy, Green, Living, looming, Solutions, States, United

Green Living Store Good brands of green tea at grocery store?

Question by DaniCalifornia: Good brands of green tea at grocery store?
I usually buy tea at specialty stores, my favourite is teavanna but i do not live near one so im curious what is your favourite or the best all around bran of green tea that you can buy at a grocery store or tnt kinda store?

Best answer:

Answer by Jeff Marry
If you really want to choose a good brands of green tea, I can give you some advice.

The best brand of green tea is not hard to find. There is a green tea currently taking over the world as people start to learn all the incredible benefits of green tea. This article will discuss how to find the best brand of green tea for your individual needs.

Choosing the best brand of green tea is really an individual matter. Nevertheless, there are things that you should be aware of when you begin your search for the best brand of green tea.

The best brand of green tea that anyone can buy (and is usually priced accordingly) is produced from the very first two green tea leaves and the bud from the green tea plant itself.

Failing locating that brand of green tea, it is important to note that the quality of green tea can vary significantly from crop to crop. For example, one year a green tea grower can have a bumper green tea crop and even win awards for it. However, the following year that same award-winning tea producer’s crop is anything but extraordinary.

When looking for the best brand of green tea another point worth noting is that usually the best brand of green tea doesn’t even make it to western shores and stays in China and Japan. Usually the best brand and quality of green tea is kept in the country of its production and is only sold to wealthy private buyers.

There are certain times of year when the best green tea is harvested and this is what you should look out for when looking for the best brand of green tea. The purest and highest quality green teas are usually harvested in very early spring which in the relevant countries is March and April. When looking for the best brand of green tea you will be on the lookout for the first and second flush of green tea for the crop year. Why this brand of green tea is so ideal is that these green tea leaves are very young and tender and have also not been harmed by hot sun rays.

Another method for locating the best brand of green tea is by buying your green tea from green tea harvested from a single plantation. Why this brand of green tea is so sought after is the fact that these green tea leaves all come from the one harvest and location. Usually when you buy green tea brands from a range of green tea plantations is the quality of each green tea crop is not that ideal and of a poorer quality than if the green tea were all purchased from one single plantation.

There are many high quality green teas on the market at an affordable price. Nevertheless, as with many things in life, you do get what you pay for when it comes to consuming green tea. Additionally, with the increasing popularity of green tea green tea can now be easily purchased online.

Of course the best brand of green tea may not be a taste that you like. For this reason it is important to find a green tea that you really enjoy the taste of and there can be a vast difference in green tea flavours. For example, some green tea blends have a very earthy flavour while others have a much gentler and more palatable flavour. Usually Japanese green tea blends are much more earthy in flavour than their Chinese counterparts.

Truthfully, the best brand of green tea for you is one that you find delicious and one that is easy to implement into your quality of life and dietary plans. There are numerous benefits of green tea. The sooner you start drinking green tea, whether you drink the best brand or not, the sooner your whole body will be able to benefit from the amazing health benefits of green tea.

Copyright 2007. Wait! Are you after more green tea secrets to improve your health? Learn all the health benefits of green tea today. Green tea has many health benefits and helps with many medical conditions including cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, hypertension, diabetes, weight loss and a lot more. Learn all about green tea including the different green tea products available including gum, perfume, shampoo, pills, creams and weight loss teas PLUS buy your green tea products direct from my website at a discount now. PLUS get FREE instant access to the secrets of green tea via email. Go to my one stop Green Tea shop at now and start making Green tea a part of your daily life today!

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Brands, Good, Green, grocery, Living, store

Green Living Technologies What degrees in college are there for Green Technology?

Question by : What degrees in college are there for Green Technology?
I would really like to start my bachelors degree going for something that will help the planet. What degrees would have me researching about how to make Earth a healthier place to live and how to improve the Earths’ actual health.

Best answer:

Answer by Army girl
Natural Resources & Conservation
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Forestry – General
Natural Resources & Conservation – General
Those are some majors you could possibly look into. UVM has a great program for this.

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:college, degrees, Green, Living, Technologies, Technology, there

Energy Efficient Homes Will Obama's stimulus plan include upgrades for homes that are not energy efficient?

Question by Greg’s Wife: Will Obama’s stimulus plan include upgrades for homes that are not energy efficient?
I heard that for middle income families he might include money to help upgrade homes that are not efficient. Our home is 100yrs old and has original windows and no insulation in the exterior walls….
Just wondering since we need to get them but we would want to wait if Obama is going to encourage that.
wow you guys. We will pay for it, I don’t think he is giving it out for free but if they are giving out loans that have a lesser interest rate or something I’d def go for it.
You don’t all have to be so hateful, I’m not for handing out free money:)

Best answer:

Answer by Man
How will we know before it happens.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Efficient, energy, Homes, include, Obama's, Plan, stimulus, upgrades

Energy Efficient Homes Energy efficient homes?

Question by Kiki: Energy efficient homes?
I have a few questions about energy efficient homes.

*What is an energy efficient home?

*What are the effects these homes have on our enviorment?

Best answer:

Answer by nathan choe
An energy efficient home is a home that saves much energy by many methods including insulation, energy-efficient lightbulbs, solar panels, etc.
The effects of these homes help our environment by conserving energy. They make less carbon dioxide which causes global warming. Hope this helps.

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:Efficient, energy, Homes

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Alternative Energy Sources Q&A: What are three renewable alternative energy sources?

Question by : What are three renewable alternative energy sources?
I need help on this. When u answer can u be thorough about why the 3 alternative energy sources are renewable please.

Best answer:

Answer by Dave
Wind, solar and tidal (or wave) power.

They are considered renewable because no matter how much wind or sunlight or how many waves you use, you’ll never consume it all. Petroleum products like oil and natural gas are not renewable because there is a finite amount of it in the ground. When it’s gone, it’s gone.

It may not be windy, sunny or wavy every day, but there’ll always be more.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Alternative, energy, Renewable, Sources, Three



List Price: $ 1.99

Price: $ 1.99

Tags:Going, GreenGUESS, LUAU, WHO'S

Green Living StoreClauss AirShoc Titanium Non Stick Branch Saw Replacement Blade with Microban Protection, Silver and Green

Clauss AirShoc Titanium Non Stick Branch Saw Replacement Blade with Microban Protection, Silver and Green

  • Airshoc titanium non stick branch saw
  • Non stick blades with microban protected grips and blades, aluminum structure and impact resistant airshoc grips
  • Includes detachable handles
  • Blades will resist saps and adhesive substances and are 5x harder than untreated steel
  • Available in green color handles

This Airshoc titanium non stick branch saw comes with replaceable blade system and microban. This lawn and garden tools are the latest breakthrough in cutting performance from clauss. Featuring non stick blades with microban protected grips, replacea

List Price: $ 34.78

Price: $ 24.04

Tags:AirShoc, Blade, Branch, Green, Living, Microban, Protection, replacement, silver, stick, StoreClauss, Titanium

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